#047 Potion Magique

33.0cl 4.5% Wild Ale 08/2024

CHF 3.90 3.9 CHF CHF 3.90

CHF 3.90

Currently not available

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  • Fermentation

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Style: Wild/Sour
Color: Claire
Brewery: MUGI[dot]Beer
Country: Switzerland
Format: Bottle
Taste: Bitter sour
Fermentation: Wild

Sales Conditions
Secured Payement with Stripe
Delivery in Switzerland for free for orders over CHF 80.- 


Potion Magique is a wild ale that is sure to enchant your taste buds. Brewed with a variety of herbs and fermented with wild yeast, this beer is a tribute to the magic of nature. The base malt is wheat, giving the beer a light and refreshing body, while the use of knapweed for bittering and sage, rosemary, and peppermint for aroma provide a unique and complex flavor profile.

The aroma of Potion Magique is a delightful blend of herbal notes, with a strong presence of rosemary and sage. On the palate, the beer has a crisp and refreshing taste, with a subtle bitterness from the knapweed and a hint of tartness from the wild yeast. The absence of traditional hops allows the natural flavors of the herbs to shine through, resulting in a truly unique and magical experience.

Knapweed has a long history of use in brewing, dating back to the Middle Ages. It was used as a substitute for hops, which were often expensive and difficult to come by. Knapweed provides a similar bitterness to hops, but also adds a floral and spicy flavor that is not found in traditional hop varieties. This ancient herb is the perfect addition to Potion Magique, adding to the overall complexity and magic of this enchanting beer.

For the curious


water BARLEY malt YEAST WHEAT malt rosmary mint sage centaury
YEAST: cône de cèdre